In the News
Joe Dickerson article featured in ABFJournal
July 6, 2015 Melanie
A new article entitled “And Now for Some Good News About Fraudulent Transfers” written by Financial Forensic Services President Joe Dickerson was recently featured in ABFJournal magazine. To read the article in PDF format, please CLICK HERE
Joe Dickerson article feature in The Journal of New England Technology
July 6, 2015 Melanie
Finance Due diligence an important step to take prior to investing By Tony Monterastelli Many techies love to invest their money in other tech companies. But whether you’re putting up seed money for a startup, or buying the stock of a public company, look out for more than just the market risk. Look for signs of … Continue reading
Joe Dickerson article featured in The Denver Business Journal
July 6, 2015 Melanie
‘Financial detective’ on the lookout for hidden assets by Amy Bryer Joe Dickerson is a detective of sorts. He’s not a gun-toting detective who gets into fistfights and always gets the villain and the girl. He’s a financial detective who can find where people hide money, assets and anything else of value. Against someone who … Continue reading
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