Come into one of our three showrooms to see burning fireplace displays, outdoor kitchens, and furniture displays.Our staff will be happy to discuss design ideas with you to match your decor. We will also come to your home and help you layout your perfect Outdoor Kitchen or Gas Fireplace.
Let’s face it, gas fireplace maintenance in Westminster is a big deal. Lehrer Fireplace offers a quality selection of gas fireplaces for your home. Here we provide several tips to keep them running perfectly throughout the year.

We install Gas and wood burning appliances, we sell!
Get Fireplaces, Stoves & Many Other Home & Patio Products Installed
Have you ever hesitated to buy a fireplace, stove or other home or patio product because you weren’t sure how to install it? You won’t have to worry about that when you shop at Lehrer’s! Lehrer’s offers complete installation packages! Everything from running gaslines, electric lines, framing and finishing! Come into one of our three showrooms to see burning fireplace displays, outdoor kitchens, and furniture displays. Our staff will be happy to discuss design ideas with you to match your decor.
You may have never owned a gas fireplace or insert. We’ve collected some great FAQ style information here for you so you can learn some of the ins and outs about owning these products.
Getting Acquainted with your Gas Fireplace or Insert
The following are normal things to expect with the use of your gas fireplace or insert:
You will experience a strong odor while burning your appliance for the first few hours. This is the normal curing of the appliance components. You can expedite this curing time by burning the appliance for about 10 hours straight on a day when you can open the windows
The glass may fog when you first turn on the appliance. This is normal, especially when humidity may be present on the interior of the appliance. It will dissipate as the appliance warms.
A white or hazy film will accumulate on the interior of the glass over time. This is a film that will not dissipate as the appliance warms. This is a bi-product of natural gas combustion. It should be cleaned as soon as you notice it. Consult your owner’s manual for how to remove the glass. Do not use an ammonia based window cleaning product. The only product that will clean this film is a ceramic glass cleaner, which may be purchased at Lehrer Fireplace & Patio. If you use any ammonia-based window cleaner, the film will reappear almost immediately.
Although rare, a pilot light can still blow out on a gas appliance. Consult your owner’s manual for how to re-light the pilot. We recommend that you leave your pilot burning at all times. The more you turn it off and re-light it, the sooner it will need replacing. Also, if you leave it off for prolonged periods, it is possible for small insects to inhabit the pilot feed tube. This will block the gas flow, and the pilot may not re-light; or you may get reduced flame. Occasionally, the pilot tube can fill with air when the pilot is not lit. You may need to bleed the air from the gas line. This requires holding the knob on the gas valve in longer than usual before the gas starts to flow. You should remove the glass on your appliance so that you can smell the gas once it starts to come through the pilot. Once you begin to smell gas, light the pilot immediately.
You should not add anything to the interior of your fireplace or insert that is not provided by the manufacturer. The logs and embers must be arranged exactly as specified in your owner’s manual. Any deviation may result in delayed ignition, pilot light going out, inadequate flame height, and/or excessive soot.
If your fireplace or insert has a blower, it may be heat activated. This means that it will only run when the appliance reaches a certain temperature. It may take several minutes for the blower to come on after you first turn on your fireplace or insert. Likewise, the blower will continue to blow for a period of time after you turn off the fireplace or insert. Once the appliance cools down, the blower will turn itself off.
If you purchased a remote control with your appliance, keep the owner’s manual with your fireplace or insert paperwork. In many cases, the manufacturer of the remote prefers that you call them with problems before you call the dealer. They can usually walk you through handling of the problem. Keep in mind that most remote controls require batteries in both the hand-held part and the receiver, which is usually located in the control panel at the bottom of your appliance.
We hope the above information is helpful to you. If you have any questions about gas fireplaces and inserts that we haven’t answered here, please give us a call at any of our locations. We have stores in Denver, Lakewood and Highlands Ranch to serve you.
2085 S. Holly Street
Denver, CO 80222
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5751 E. County Line Place
Highlands Ranch, CO
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10500 W. Colfax Ave
Lakewood, CO 80215
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