Who receives the gifts?
- The gifts will go to families living in Colorado’s poorest neighborhoods within the Denver Housing Authority (near the Bronco’s stadium).
- 26,000 residents live in the Denver Housing Authority, and 80 percent of families live in poverty, according to neighborhood data with an average household income of $10,000 per year.
- The percentage of children growing up in poverty in DHA is among the highest in the state.
- We work directly with Denver Housing Authority and the Rude Recreation Center to identify the children and families most in need.
Why should I participate?
This is a chance to inspire life-long giving in your child’s life. It’s a fun and easy way to show your child how to give back and invest in your hometown. Unlike most other charities, we provide a hands-on experience for young children, helping kids give to kids. It’s just once a year, but something they’ll talk about year-round.
How do we know what gifts to give?
After you register (get started here) we will email you the child’s wish list as inspiration for selecting an age-appropriate gift or gifts. Most people spend about $30 on each child, but some spend more. It’s up to you to decide how much you want to spend and how many gifts you would like to give.
Do the gifts need to be wrapped?
Yes. Clearly label every gift with “To:” and “From.” Make sure to include the child’s assigned Family Number on the each gift. If your gifts are large and awkward to carry, please also bring a bag for the resident family to carry the gifts home.
Should we write a letter to the child?
Absolutely! Consider having your child write a note to the receiver. This is a chance for your child to get creative, color, and write a special note. It is not required, but can be a fun activity for the family to do together. It can also be the start of a new friendship.
Can I tell my friends, school, work, church and neighborhood kids about this?
Please help us spread the word. Telling others means more kids will be helped this Christmas and it will further the mission of life-long giving. Start now by ‘Liking us’ on Facebook’. Click here for a printable flyer to share with your friends.
What is the deadline to register for a child?
You must register to help a child(ren) by Friday, December 2, 2016
How do we deliver the gifts to our ‘adopted’ kids?
That’s easy. Get started here. You can either give gifts during an event on December 10, 2016 or deliver the gifts right to the family’s home anytime before December 5, 2016.
Where do I park?
Just click here to see directions, maps and parking for the event locations.
Remember to get there 15 minutes ahead of your event time in order to check in.
How do I prepare my child and family for the event?
The Santa’s Elves team strives to ensure that both Givers and Receivers have a special and memorable experience. It is important to prepare yourself and your children for any range of experiences that might happen given the population we serve in the Denver Housing Authority neighborhoods. Please check out a few tips to ensure your family is prepared to adapt to whatever you might experience.
I registered to go to the party on December 10th, but now I can’t make it. What do I do?
No problem! Send us an email at northpole@santaselvesdenver.org and we will work with you to develop a backup plan. Our team can deliver the gifts on your behalf, or we will make special arrangements for you to deliver them directly to the resident family’s home. Make sure you’ve wrapped and clearly labeled the gifts with the child’s family number.
I lost my child’s wish-list. What do I do now?
- First, check your spam folder for an email from northpole@santaselvesdenver.org.
- If you still can’t find it, contact us, fill out the form, and our staff will reply quickly.
I never received the confirmation email, what do I do?
- First, check your spam folder for an email from northpole@santaselvesdenver.org.
- If you still can’t find it, contact us, fill out the form, and our staff will reply quickly.
I’ve noticed that some of the kids have asked for computers or video games or iPods. Those are expensive! Do I have to buy those for the children?
- No. You decide what gift or gifts to buy the child for Christmas and how much to spend. Please use the child’s wish list only as a guide.Our staff has thought long and hard about this issue. We’ve decided it’s not fair to limit the child’s dreams. After all, the kids in the housing authority can see that other children have those items, and naturally desire them too. Plus, many businesses and groups join Santa’s Elves and do provide electronic gifts. So, we’ve decided to leave it up to you.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes! Click here for a link to our tax receipt.
(720) 515-5692
9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200-130
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129