We are grateful for the people and businesses that have partnered with Santa’s Elves, making the events cooler and bigger than we’d ever imagined. Whether it’s the motorcycle riders of Team Five Stone MX Racing signing autographs, Wonder Dough passing out free crafts, artists painting faces or Usborne Books letting children take free books home, each have made this an amazing, giving event. Thank you. Join us! Get Started.
Here are the people who stand beside us:
- Stephen Wiles, Batteries + Bulbs
- Kroenke Sports
- Denver Nuggets and Denver Nuggets Community Ambassadors
- Tom Payn of Subway Sandwiches
- Maura & Greg Schmitz of Keystat Marketing
- Heidi Ganahl of Moms Fight Back and Camp Bow Wow
- The Rootes Family
- Kris Martin and Tricia Meyer of Usborne Books
- Steven Visser of Wonder Dough
- Ray Garcia of DRG Construction
- Timbuk Toys
- Travel Kiddy
- Target
- Kohls
- The Confluence Ministries band
- Girl Scouts of Colorado
- The National Charity League, Blue Sky Chapter
- Denver Advertising
- The Greenberg Traurig Law Firm
- TeleTech Community Foundation
- Miss USA Miss CO Pageant
- Tech Advisory Group
- Sandy Puc Photography
- Brian Johnson – Photography
(720) 515-5692
9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200-130
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129